Shingon-shu Buzan-ha

Hase-dera, main temple of the Buzan-ha sect.
Shingon-shu Buzan-ha crest

Buzan-ha (真言宗豊山派, Shingon-shū Buzan-ha) is a sect of new school of Shingon Buddhism (新義真言宗 Shingi Shingon-shū) founded in the 16th century by the priest Senyo Sōjō (専誉僧正). The main Buzan-ha temple is Hase-dera in Sakurai, Nara.

While the reformed Shingon (shingi) faction, established by the priest Kakuban, is synonymous with the Chisan-ha sect, the Buzan-ha sect was strongly tied with the Tokugawa clan, receiving support from the shogunate, and the main temple, Gokoku-ji, where it became a focal point for spreading the Shingon teachings for the Kanto region. While gaining many followers in Kanto, historical circumstances led to only one branch temple existing in the Chūgoku and Kyushu regions due to the dispersal and consolidation of the Shingon sect.