Shopper marketing

'Shopper marketing' is "a discipline that focuses on the customer experience and the customer journey."[1] It focuses on the consumer's path to purchasing a product, from first being aware of the product, to consideration and through to the purchase of it. It separates itself from retail marketing which focuses on engaging the customer in-store only. [2]

'Shopper marketing' is not limited to in-store marketing activities, a common and inaccurate assumption that impairs the spread of any industry definition. Shopper marketing is part of an overall integrated marketing approach that considers the needs and wants of a particular "shopper" in order to drive consumption. Shopper insight data collected by shopper marketers includes the consideration of their shopper needs, preferred retail environments and in-store activity.

Unilever defines shopper insight as a "focus on the process that takes place between that first thought the consumer has about purchasing an item, all the way through the selection of that item."[3] They describe it as the analysis of consumer behavior and decision-making from the moment they consider buying a product until they choose it. It aims to understand the motivations, preferences, and influences that affect the shopping experience and outcome.

  1. ^ "NewPoint Marketing -- What is Shopper Marketing". 4 February 2022.
  2. ^ "Shopper Marketing Strategy: A Guide for CPG Brands". Cliffedge Marketing. 2001.
  3. ^ "Team Unilever". The Hub Magazine. Archived from the original on 17 March 2013.