Shopping addiction

Shopping addiction is characterized by an eagerness to purchase unnecessary or superfluous things and a lack of impulse control when it comes to shopping. It is a concept similar to compulsive buying disorder (oniomania), but usually has a more psychosocial perspective,[1] or is viewed as a drug-free addiction like addiction to gambling, Internet, or video games.[2] However, there is "still debate on whether other less recognized forms of impulsive behaviors, such as compulsive buying [...] can be conceptualized as addictions."[3]

  1. ^ Robert Holman Coombs (2004). Addictive Disorders: A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment.understanding and hoes diagnosis compulsive buying. pp. 420–447.
  2. ^ "Shopping addition". Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery. Retrieved 20 June 2016.
  3. ^ Piquet-Pessôa, Marcelo; Ferreira, Gabriela M.; Melca, Isabela A.; Fontenelle, Leonardo F. (12 June 2014). "DSM-5 and the Decision Not to Include Sex, Shopping or Stealing as Addictions". Current Addiction Reports. 1: 172–176. Retrieved 23 October 2024.