
Śrēṣṭha (Newar: श्रेष्ठ) is a Nepali surname, which means "most excellent” or "great” in Sanskrit.[1] It is one of the eponym surnames used by those belonging to the caste of Shresthas who prior to the unification of modern Nepal formed the ruling and administrative castes in the court of the Malla kings of Nepal.[2] They also counted among them the trading and business castes, and were the pre-eminent traders in between Nepal and Tibet. After the unification of Nepal, Shresthas took up business and trading since their former positions as administrators and courtiers of the royal Malla court was supplanted by the invading Gorkha forces mainly of the Khas tribe.[3]

  1. ^ "Sanskrit dictionary". Retrieved 15 August 2014.
  2. ^ "Shrestha, Name Meaning, Origin, Detailed Name Information & Meaning of Names at NameLab". Retrieved 2014-08-15.
  3. ^ Wright, Daniel (1877). "History of Nepal with an Introductory Sketch of the Country and People of Nepal". Cambridge. Retrieved 23 September 2012. Page 86.