Siege of Akmolinsk (1838)

Siege of Akmolinsk
Part of Kenesary's Rebellion
DateMay 26June 2 1838 (Or August 7 1838[1])
Modern Astana

Decisive Kazakh victory

Kazakh rebels Russian Empire Akmolinsk garrison
Commanders and leaders
Kenesary Qasymov
Agybai Batyr
Iman Dulatuli
Nauryzbai Qasymov
Basygara Batyr  
Russian Empire Konurkuldzha Kudaimendin Executed
Russian Empire Ivan Karbyshev
About 2,000 Russian Empire Unknown
Casualties and losses
Unknown Russian Empire Many POW

The siege of Akmolinsk or battle of Akmolinsk (Kazakh: Ақмола шайқасы, romanizedAqmola shaiqasy) occurred in 1838 in Astana, Kazakhstan during the Kenesary's Rebellion, which ended with the flight of the founder of Akmolinsk – Konurkuldzha Kudaimendin, along with a small detachment of Karbyshev and the destruction of the fortress.

  1. ^ "Движение Кенесары Касымулы 1837—1847 гг". Портал «История Казахстана». Archived from the original on 2022-04-03. Retrieved 2020-08-27.
  2. ^ Так начинался Акмолинск