Siju Cave

Siju Cave (Siju Dobakkol)
Bat Cave
Inside view of Siju Cave
LocationMeghalaya, India
Length4,772 m
DiscoveryKnown since ancient times, first scientifically explored in 1922
FeaturesStalactites, Stalagmites

Siju Dobakkol, also known as Siju Cave or Bat Cave in English, is one of the most well-known and significant caves in India. Located in the Garo Hills of the North East Indian state of Meghalaya, near Napak Lake and the Simsang River game reserve, it is a renowned limestone cave famous for its impressive stalagmite and stalactite formations. Siju Dobakkol is home to tens of thousands of bats, and it holds great significance in the field of biospeleology, being one of the most thoroughly researched caves in the Indian subcontinent.