Silicide carbide

Silicide carbides or carbide silicides are compounds containing anions composed of silicide (Si4−) and carbide (C4−) or clusters therof. They can be considered as mixed anion compounds or intermetallic compounds, as silicon could be considered as a semimetal.

Related compounds include the germanide carbides, phosphide silicides, boride carbides and nitride carbides. Other related compounds may contain more condensed anion combinations such as the carbidonitridosilicates with C(SiN3)4 with N bridging between two silicon atoms.[1]

  1. ^ Höppe, Henning A.; Kotzyba, Gunter; Pöttgen, Rainer; Schnick, Wolfgang (2001-11-23). "High-temperature synthesis, crystal structure, optical properties, and magnetism of the carbidonitridosilicates Ho2[Si4N6C] and Tb2[Si4N6C]". Journal of Materials Chemistry. 11 (12): 3300–3306. doi:10.1039/b106533p.