Sime~Gen Universe

The Sime~Gen Universe is a fictional literary universe created by Jacqueline Lichtenberg. It involves a future when humanity is divided into two subspecies, or larities: Gens, who look like ordinary humans and produce excess quantities of a life energy called selyn, and Simes, who have tentacled arms and must take selyn from Gens in order to survive. If the Gen is frightened and resisting when selyn is taken, the Gen dies. The series chronicles the history of the two subspecies' search for coexistence.[1][2][3][4][5]

  1. ^ Bacon-Smith, Camille (1999). Science Fiction Culture. University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 115, 206.
  2. ^ Bacon-Smith, Camille (1991). Enterprising Women. University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 314.
  3. ^ Jonas, Gerald (June 25, 1978). "Review of Unto Zeor, Forever". The New York Times. Three recent novels, all by women, cry out to be reviewed together (Pay site.)
  4. ^ Jonas, Gerald (January 23, 1983). "Review of the Sime-Gen series". The New York Times. I had trouble deciding whether it was science fiction as pornography or science fiction as soap opera
  5. ^ Pederson, James (1995). St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. St. James Press. pp. 581–2.