Simulations and games in economics education

A simulation game is "a game that contains a mixture of skill, chance, and strategy to simulate an aspect of reality, such as a stock exchange". Similarly, Finnish author Virpi Ruohomäki states that "a simulation game combines the features of a game (competition, cooperation, rules, participants, roles) with those of a simulation (incorporation of critical features of reality). A game is a simulation game if its rules refer to an empirical model of reality".[1] A properly built simulation game used to teach or learn economics would closely follow the assumptions and rules of the theoretical models within this discipline.

  1. ^ Ruohomaki, V. (1995). Viewpoints on Learning and Education with Simulation Games in Simulation Games and Learning in Production Management edited by Jens O. Riis. Springer. pp. 14–28. ISBN O-412-72100-7.