Snare (software)

Snare (sometimes also written as SNARE, an acronym for System iNtrusion Analysis and Reporting Environment) is a collection of software tools that collect audit log data from a variety of operating systems and applications to facilitate centralised log analysis. Enterprise Agents are available for Linux, macOS, Windows, Solaris, Microsoft SQL Server, a variety of browsers, and more. Snare Enterprise Epilog for Windows facilitates the central collection and processing of Windows text-based log files such as ISA/IIS. Snare Enterprise Epilog for Unix provides a method to collect any text based log files on the Linux and Solaris operating systems. Opensource Agents are available for Irix and AIX.

Snare is currently used by hundreds of thousands of individuals and organisations worldwide to meet local and federal information security guidelines associated with auditing and eventlog collection.[1]

Snare for Windows - Objective configuration
  1. ^ "InterSect Alliance". Retrieved 2008-06-23.