Socialist-oriented market economy

The socialist-oriented market economy (Vietnamese: Kinh tế thị trường định hướng xã hội chủ nghĩa) is the official title given to the current economic system in Vietnam. It is described as a multi-sectoral market economy where the state sector plays the decisive role in directing economic development, with the eventual long-term goal of developing socialism.[1]

The socialist-oriented market economy is a product of the Đổi Mới economic reforms which led to the replacement of the centrally planned economy with a market-based mixed economy based on the predominance of state-owned industry. These reforms were undertaken to allow Vietnam to integrate with the global economy. The term "socialist-oriented" is used to highlight the fact that Vietnam has not yet achieved socialism and is in the process of building the basis for a future socialist system.[2] The economic model is similar to the socialist market economy employed in China.

  1. ^ Karadjis, Michael. "Socialism and the market: China and Vietnam compared". Links International Journal for Socialist Renewal. Retrieved 20 March 2013.
  2. ^ Socialism plus markets: Vietnam's chosen path (Video). YouTube. April 26, 2016. Retrieved May 12, 2019.