Soft power of India in Africa

In response to the limitations of hard power, some countries, including India, have increasingly incorporated soft power into their foreign policy, particularly in relations with developing nations. [1] In 1950, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru advocated for the integration of the Indian diaspora into African nations; however, in the 1990s, following the end of the Cold War, India's foreign policy underwent a fundamental reassessment of the diaspora's role, utilizing these expatriate communities as a key element of soft power to elevate its global image.[2]

  1. ^ Muhidin J. Shangwe, "India's Soft Power in East Africa: Opportunities and Challenges," published online by Cambridge University Press, Published online: 26 May 2022.
  2. ^ Abdessalam Jaldi, "The Indian Diaspora in Africa: An Instrument of New Delhi’s Soft Power in the Continent," Published: October 12, 2021.