Solar power in Pennsylvania

Solar panels in Myerstown.

Solar power in Pennsylvania currently provides less than 1% of the state's electricity, but there are many policies in place to regulate and incentivize its use. Pennsylvania mandates the use of solar power through a renewable portfolio standard, which requires a percentage of electricity from each providers to come from solar, and net metering, which compensates small-scale solar generation through net metering. By 2021, Pennsylvania was required to have 0.5% of its electricity from solar. Their following goal is 10% by 2030. Solar power could theoretically provide over 30% of the state's electricity, but growth in solar generation has slowed due to a reduction in solar grants and the low price of solar energy credits. Efforts have also seen blowback from citizens, most notably from Mount Joy Township. Although, Pennsylvania has ruled solar as a legal use, meaning local governments can only restrict size and placement, but can't disband the projects.