Song cycles (Killmayer)

Song cycles
by Wilhelm Killmayer
  • Vier Canzonen nach Texten von Petrarca (1950)
  • Rêveries (1953)
  • Romanzen (1954)
  • Drei Gesänge nach Hölderlin (1965)
  • Tre Canti di Leopardi (1965)
  • Blasons anatomiques ... (1968)
  • Französisches Liederbuch (1979)
  • Hölderlin-Lieder (1982)
  • Neun Lieder nach Gedichten von Peter Härtling (1993)
  • Trakl-Lieder (1993)
  • Huit Poésies de Mallarmé (1993)
  • Sappho-Lieder (1993)
  • Heine-Lieder (1994)
  • ... wie in Welschland lau und blau ... (1995)
  • ... was dem Herzen kaum bewusst ...
  • Schweigen und Kindheit (1996)
  • Mörike-Lieder (2003)

Wilhelm Killmayer, a German composer, wrote several song cycles, which form a substantial part of his compositions. The earliest cycle dates from 1953, the last was completed in 2008. He set poems by German romantic writers such as Friedrich Hölderlin and Joseph von Eichendorff, but was also inspired by French, Greek and Spanish poems, and by texts from the 20th-century poets Georg Trakl and Peter Härtling. He used mostly piano to accompany a singer, but also added percussion or other instruments, and scored some cycles in a version for voice and orchestra. His Hölderlin-Lieder, setting poems from the author's late period, were performed at major festivals and recorded.