Spanish philosophy

Façade of the University of Salamanca in which Francisco de Vitoria created the School of Salamanca and developed theories about international law.

Spanish philosophy is the philosophical tradition of the people of territories that make up the modern day nation of Spain and of its citizens abroad. Although Spanish philosophical thought had a profound influence on philosophical traditions throughout Latin America, political turmoil within Spain throughout the 20th century diminished the influence of Spanish philosophy in international contexts.[1] Within Spain during this period, fictional novels written with philosophical underpinnings were influential, leading to some of the first modernist European novels, such as the works of Miguel de Unamuno and Pío Baroja.[2]

Spanish philosophy reached its peak between the 16th and the 17th century. Francisco Suárez was the most influential Spanish philosopher of the period. His works influenced subsequent thinkers such as Leibniz, Grotius, Samuel Pufendorf, Schopenhauer, and Martin Heidegger.[3] Like Suárez, other notable philosophers at the time who studied at the University of Salamanca were Luis de Molina, Francisco de Vitoria, Domingo de Soto, and Martín de Azpilcueta.

Another school of thought, the School of Madrid, founded by José Ortega y Gasset included thinkers like Manuel García Morente, Joaquim Xirau, Xavier Zubiri, José Luis Aranguren, Francisco Ayala, Pedro Laín Entralgo, Manuel Granell, Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar and their most prominent disciple, Julián Marías.[4][5]

More recently, Fernando Savater, Gustavo Bueno, and Antonio Escohotado have emerged as prominent philosophers.[6]

  1. ^ Ferrater Mora, José (2012). Three Spanish Philosophers: Unamuno, Ortega, Ferrater Mora. SUNY Press. ISBN 9780791486948.
  2. ^ Johnson, Roberta (2015). Crossfire: Philosophy and the Novel in Spain, 1900-1934. University Press of Kentucky. p. 190. ISBN 9780813149677.
  3. ^ "Francisco Suárez". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  4. ^ Abellán y Mallo, J. L. y T. (1991). "La Escuela de Madrid. Un ensayo de filosofía". Asamblea de Madrid. Madrid: 15.
  5. ^ Abellán y Mallo, J. L. y T. (1991). "La Escuela de Madrid. Un ensayo". Asamblea de Madrid. Madrid: 47.
  6. ^ Fernando Savater: Un jubilado jubiloso Archived 2012-06-16 at the Wayback MachineHistorias en,10.06.2012;acesso 03.02.2019