Spiral (publisher)

A white Spiral on a black background, with 'Productions' written in white below the spiral.
Logo from Sister Galvan, still used but without the text
Founded1975 (1975)
Country of originNew Zealand
Publication typesWomen's art and literature
Official websitemedium.com/spiral-collectives

Spiral, also known as Spiral Collective or Spiral Collectives, is a New Zealand publisher and group of artist collectives established in 1975 with a focus on female artists and voices. Members of Spiral have published and created a number of projects and works including, notably, the Spiral journal (seven issues published from 1976 to 1992), A Figurehead: A Face (1982) by Heather McPherson, The House of the Talking Cat (1983) by J.C. Sturm, the bone people (1984) by Keri Hulme (the first New Zealand novel to win the Booker Prize), numerous art exhibitions and documentary films.