St Theresa's Independent State Grammar School for Girls (and Boys)

The New Coalition Academy was a column in Private Eye that depicted the UK coalition government led by David Cameron and Nick Clegg[1] as if they were in fact taking over a failing school. The first episode [2] explained that "Brown's Comprehensive" had been replaced by the Academy, and the new motto is "Duo in Uno" (Latin for "Two in One").

From May 2015 the academy was renamed the "Cameron Free School", reflecting the Conservative majority government.

In July 2016 the school was renamed "St Theresa's Independent State Grammar School for Girls (and Boys)". Following the 2017 General Election, the school incorporated the William III Orange Academy, in reference to the confidence and supply deal that the Democratic Unionist Party reached with the second ministry of Theresa May.

  1. ^ “Clameronism”
  2. ^ Issue No 1263 (dated 28–10 May 2010)