
Stabswachtmeister in Austria
Green Anzug 75/03 insignia. Rectangular, with a stitched pentagon made of an upper triangle and three rectangular sides containing a star and two stripes. Yellow Schulterstück (Pioniertruppe) insignia. A pentagon shape, close to a diamond with the bottom side stretched to make the fifth edge, containing a star and two stripes. One stripe is wider with a zigzag pattern. Tellerkappe insignia. A black rectangle with two horizontal, gray stripes near the bottom, one wider with a zigzag pattern.
Rank insignia Austrian Bundesheer
Introduction 1913
Rank group Stabsunteroffizier
Army / Air Force Stabswachtmeister
Navy no equivalent

Stabswachtmeister (short: StWm) is in the Austrian Bundesheer a NCO-rank. As lowest grade of the Staff-NCO rank group he is normally dedicated to command a platoon or to serve in a military staff appointment (assignment group M BUO 1 / professional NCO; respectively M ZUO 1 / longer-serving volunteer). However, he might also be assigned to command a military squad (assignment group M BUO 2 / longer-serving volunteer).

During United Nations missions and in NATO Partnership for Peace the rank Stabswachtmeister will be designated in English with Staff Sergeant (SSG) and is equivalent to NATO-Rang code OR-7.

Besides Austria today, the rank was also used for example in Germany and in the k.u.k. Army.

With the foundation of the Austrian Bundesheer in March 1920 the «Stabswachtmeister» was introduced to all army branches of service. The OR7-rank Stabsfeldwebel of the generic infantry (de: Fußtruppen) was abolished.

See also
  1. ^ The abbreviation "OR" stands for "Other Ranks / fr: sous-officiers et militaires du rang / ru:другие ранги, кроме офицероф"