Stacking (chemistry)

Three representative conformations of the benzene dimer

In chemistry, pi stacking (also called π–π stacking) refers to the presumptive attractive, noncovalent pi interactions (orbital overlap) between the pi bonds of aromatic rings.[1] According to some authors direct stacking of aromatic rings (the "sandwich interaction") is electrostatically repulsive.

What is more commonly observed (see figure to the right) is either a staggered stacking (parallel displaced) or pi-teeing (perpendicular T-shaped) interaction both of which are electrostatic attractive[2][3] For example, the most commonly observed interactions between aromatic rings of amino acid residues in proteins is a staggered stacked followed by a perpendicular orientation. Sandwiched orientations are relatively rare.[4]

Pi stacking is repulsive as it places carbon atoms with partial negative charges from one ring on top of other partial negatively charged carbon atoms from the second ring and hydrogen atoms with partial positive charges on top of other hydrogen atoms that likewise carry partial positive charges.[2] In staggered stacking, one of the two aromatic rings is offset sideways so that the carbon atoms with partial negative charge in the first ring are placed above hydrogen atoms with partial positive charge in the second ring so that the electrostatic interactions become attractive. Likewise, pi-teeing interactions in which the two rings are oriented perpendicular to either other is electrostatically attractive as it places partial positively charged hydrogen atoms in close proximity to partially negatively charged carbon atoms. An alternative explanation for the preference for staggered stacking is due to the balance between van der Waals interactions (attractive dispersion plus Pauli repulsion).[5]

These staggered stacking and π-teeing interactions between aromatic rings are important in nucleobase stacking within DNA and RNA molecules, protein folding, template-directed synthesis, materials science, and molecular recognition. Despite the wide use of term pi stacking in the scientific literature, there is no theoretical justification for its use.[2]

  1. ^ Smith, Michael B.; March, Jerry (2007), Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure (6th ed.), New York: Wiley-Interscience, p. 114, ISBN 978-0-471-72091-1
  2. ^ a b c Martinez CR, Iverson BL (2012). "Rethinking the term "pi-stacking"". Chemical Science. 3 (7): 2191. doi:10.1039/c2sc20045g. hdl:2152/41033. ISSN 2041-6520. S2CID 95789541.
  3. ^ Lewis M, Bagwill C, Hardebeck L, Wireduaah S (2016). "Modern Computational Approaches to Understanding Interactions of Aromatics". In Johnson DW, Hof F (eds.). Aromatic Interactions: Frontiers in Knowledge and Application. England: Royal Society of Chemistry. pp. 1–17. ISBN 978-1-78262-662-6.
  4. ^ McGaughey GB, Gagné M, Rappé AK (June 1998). "pi-Stacking interactions. Alive and well in proteins". The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273 (25): 15458–63. doi:10.1074/jbc.273.25.15458. PMID 9624131.
  5. ^ Carter-Fenk K, Herbert JM (November 2020). "Reinterpreting π-stacking". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 22 (43): 24870–24886. doi:10.1039/d0cp05039c. PMID 33107520. S2CID 225083299.