Starlord (play-by-mail game)

DesignersMike Singleton
PublishersFlying Buffalo Inc., Rick Loomis PBM Games
Years active1982 to unknown
GenresSpace fantasy
SystemsComputer moderated
PlayersUp to 50
Playing timeOpen-ended
Materials requiredInstructions, order sheets, turn results, paper, pencil
Media typePlay-by-mail

Starlord is an open-ended, computer moderated, space-based play-by-mail game. Designed and moderated by Mike Singleton, gameplay began initially in the United Kingdom, with Flying Buffalo launching a version in the United States in 1983. Gameplay was limited to 50 players roleplaying as Starlords with the goal of becoming emperor by conquering the Throne Star. Starlord was reviewed multiple times in magazines such as Dragon and The Space Gamer in the early 1980s, receiving generally positive reviews, with one reviewer noting the possibility of the game lasting for years.