State prices

In financial economics, a state-price security, also called an Arrow–Debreu security (from its origins in the Arrow–Debreu model), a pure security, or a primitive security is a contract that agrees to pay one unit of a numeraire (a currency or a commodity) if a particular state occurs at a particular time in the future and pays zero numeraire in all the other states. The price of this security is the state price of this particular state of the world. The state price vector is the vector of state prices for all states. [1] See Financial economics § State prices.

An Arrow security is an instrument with a fixed payout of one unit in a specified state and no payout in other states.[2] It is a type of hypothetical asset used in the Arrow market structure model. In contrast to the Arrow-Debreu market structure model, an Arrow market is a market in which the individual agents engage in trading assets at every time period t. In an Arrow-Debreu model, trading occurs only once at the beginning of time. An Arrow Security is an asset traded in an Arrow market structure model which encompasses a complete market.

The Arrow–Debreu model (also referred to as the Arrow–Debreu–McKenzie model or ADM model) is the central model in general equilibrium theory and uses state prices in the process of proving the existence of a unique general equilibrium. State prices may relatedly be applied in derivatives pricing and hedging: a contract whose settlement value is a function of an underlying asset whose value is uncertain at contract date, can be decomposed as a linear combination of its Arrow–Debreu securities, and thus as a weighted sum of its state prices; [3] [4] see Contingent claim analysis. Breeden and Litzenberger's work in 1978 [5] established the latter, more general use of state prices in finance.

  1. ^ Accessed June 18, 2008
  2. ^ Lengwiler, Yvan. Microfoundations of financial economics: an introduction to general equilibrium asset pricing. Princeton University Press, 2009. p. 41.
  3. ^ Rebonato, Riccardo (8 July 2005). Volatility and Correlation: The Perfect Hedger and the Fox. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 323–. ISBN 978-0-470-09140-1.
  4. ^ Dempster; Pliska; Bruno Dupire (13 October 1997). Mathematics of Derivative Securities, ch. "Pricing and Hedging With Smiles". Cambridge University Press. pp. 103–. ISBN 978-0-521-58424-1.
  5. ^ Breeden, Douglas T.; Litzenberger, Robert H. (1978). "Prices of State-Contingent Claims Implicit in Option Prices". Journal of Business. 51 (4): 621–651. doi:10.1086/296025. JSTOR 2352653.