The statohm (symbol: statΩ) is the unit of electrical resistance in the electrostatic system of units which was part of the CGS system of units based upon the centimetre, gram and second.[1]
The static units in that system are related to the corresponding electromagnetic units by a factor of the speed of light. Those units are known as absolute units, and so the counterpart of the statohm is the abohm (abΩ), and their proportions are:
1 statΩ ≘ c2 abΩ ≈ 8.987552×1020 abΩ where c is the speed of light in centimetres per second.
These units are not common now. The SI unit of resistance is the ohm (Ω). The statohm is nearly a trillion times larger than the ohm and is the largest unit of resistance ever used in any measurement system.[2] The statohm as a practical unit is as unusably large as the abohm is unusably small.
1 statΩ ≘ c2 × 10−9 Ω ≈ 8.987552×1011 Ω[3][4]
The sign ≘ denotes 'correspondence' between quantities. Equality does not apply, since the systems of quantities underlying the two systems of units are mutually incompatible.