Steam warship classification

The Steam warship classification system used during the 19th century was a classification scheme for the comparison of steam warships, including steam frigates and steam sloops. The system originally classified steam warships according to the thrown weight of their broadsides, then rated them by tonnage, using separate standards for ironclad and non-ironclad ships, with allowances for sailing ships still in commission. [1][2] It was used in the United States and United Kingdom, officially and unofficially. [3] The United States Navy adopted the system by 1875. [4]

  1. ^ Boynton, Charles Brandon (1870). The History of the Navy During the Rebellion, Volume 1. D. Appleton and Company.
  2. ^ Cite error: The named reference Naval Encyclopaedia was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  3. ^ Martin, Frederick (1880). The Statesman's Year-Book Statistical and Historical Annual of the States Of The Civilised World for the Year 1880. MacMillan and Co.
  4. ^ Annual Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Steam-Engineering 1875. United States Government Printing Office. 1876.