Steinberg, Kloster Eberbach

A view from the inside of the Steinberg vineyard, with the wall in the distance and one of the gates on the far right.
Steinberg Rheingau
Steinberg, Kloster Eberbach
Steinberg, Kloster Eberbach
Steinberg, Kloster Eberbach
Steinberg, Kloster Eberbach

Steinberg is a 32.4 hectares (80 acres) wall-enclosed vineyard (a Clos, using French terminology) near Hattenheim in the Rheingau.[1][2] It is the largest wall-enclosed vineyard in Germany.

Steinberg is one of handful single vineyard sites in Germany which for reasons of historical significance have dispensation from having to include a village name together with the vineyard's name, so the wines from Steinberg are simply labelled Steinberger.

The vineyard belongs to the government-owned Hessische Staatsweingüter (Hessian State Wineries) and is today planted with only Riesling vines.

  1. ^ Der Steinbergkeller (in German), accessed on December 29, 20109
  2. ^ Wein-Plus Glossar: Steinberg, accessed on January 24, 2013