Stephen Dingate

Stephen Dingate (birth and death details unknown) was a leading English cricketer of the mid-Georgian period. He is believed to have begun playing in the 1720s and was one of the best known players in England through the 1740s. Dingate was born at Reigate in Surrey and was employed by the Duke of Richmond. He is reported in one source to have been a barber.

Dingate was a prominent single wicket player who often led his own team, playing for high stakes with and against famous contemporaries like Tom Faulkner, Robert Colchin, William Hodsoll, Richard Newland, Val Romney, William Sawyer, Thomas Waymark and the Bryant and Harris brothers. It is believed that he had been an active player for many years before he was first definitely recorded in June 1744. His last known appearance was in July 1752.