Stericated 8-simplexes


Stericated 8-simplex

Bistericated 8-simplex

Steri-truncated 8-simplex

Bisteri-truncated 8-simplex

Steri-cantellated 8-simplex

Bisteri-cantellated 8-simplex

Stericanti-truncated 8-simplex

Bistericanti-truncated 8-simplex

Steri-runcinated 8-simplex

Bisteri-runcinated 8-simplex

Steriruncitruncated 8-simplex

Bisterirun-citruncated 8-simplex

Sterirunci-cantellated 8-simplex

Bisterirunci-cantellated 8-simplex

Steriruncicanti-truncated 8-simplex

Bisteriruncicanti-truncated 8-simplex
Orthogonal projections in A8 Coxeter plane

In eight-dimensional geometry, a stericated 8-simplex is a convex uniform 8-polytope with 4th order truncations (sterication) of the regular 8-simplex. There are 16 unique sterications for the 8-simplex including permutations of truncation, cantellation, and runcination.