Stream function

Streamlines – lines with a constant value of the stream function – for the incompressible potential flow around a circular cylinder in a uniform onflow.

In fluid dynamics, two types of stream function are defined:

The properties of stream functions make them useful for analyzing and graphically illustrating flows.

The remainder of this article describes the two-dimensional stream function.

  1. ^ Lagrange, J.-L. (1868), "Mémoire sur la théorie du mouvement des fluides (in: Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Berlin, année 1781)", Oevres de Lagrange, vol. Tome IV, pp. 695–748
  2. ^ Stokes, G.G. (1842), "On the steady motion of incompressible fluids", Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 7: 439–453, Bibcode:1848TCaPS...7..439S
    Reprinted in: Stokes, G.G. (1880), Mathematical and Physical Papers, Volume I, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–16