String Quartets, Op. 33 (Haydn)

The Op. 33 String Quartets were written by Joseph Haydn in the summer and Autumn of 1781 for the Viennese publisher Artaria. This set of string quartets has several nicknames, the most common of which is the "Russian" quartets, because Haydn dedicated the quartets to the Grand Duke Paul of Russia and many (if not all) of the quartets were premiered on Christmas Day, 1781, at the Viennese apartment of the Duke's wife, the Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna.[1] Some scholars theorize that the "Russian" quartets were the inspiration for Mozart's six string quartets dedicated to Haydn,[2] but no direct evidence has been found.

  1. ^ Berger, Melvin. Guide to Chamber Music. New York: Dover, 1985. 196–201.
  2. ^ Adolfo Betti, "Quartet: its origins and development", in Cobbett (1929)