Stripper is a type of harvesting machine designed for harvesting grain using the method of stripping standing crops.[1] Unlike a conventional combine harvester, this machine collects grain by stripping the spikes only, without cutting the culms at their base. Harvesting grain by stripping was known as early as the 1st century AD but was later abandoned. Today, it is used on a small scale thanks to the implementation of specialized harvesting headers in combine harvesters.[2]
The stripper was common in Australia in the late 19th and early 20th century. John Ridley is now accepted as its inventor, though John Wrathall Bull argued strongly for the credit.[3]
^Sisolyn, P. V.; Koval, S. M.; Ivanenko, I. M. (2010). Mashyiny dlia zbyrannia zernovykh kultur metodom obchysuvannia koloskiv Машини для збирання зернових культур методом обчiсування колоскiв [Machines for Harvesting Grain Crops by the Method of Stripping Heads] (in Russian). pp. 5, 27, 23–24, 25–26, 55–59. ISBN978-966-1508-34-6.
^Lezhenkin, A.; Kravchuk, V.; Kushnaryov, V. (2010). Tekhnolohiya uborky zernovykh kul'tur metodom ochyosa na kornyu: sostoyanie i perspektivy Технология уборки зерновых культур методом очёса на корню: состояние и перспективы [Technology of Harvesting Grain Crops by the Method of Shearing at the Root: Current State and Prospects] (in Russian). pp. 61, 168, 168, 358, 61, 55, 62, 168–223, 168–169, 169, 211–212, 172, 177, 10–11, 172, 211–212. ISBN978-966-8035-73-9.
^Jones, LJ (1985), "Engineering Considerations in an Historical Argument – the Ridley-Bull 'Stripper' Controversy", Second National Conference on Engineering Heritage "The Value of Engineering Heritage": Preprints of Papers, Institution of Engineers, Australia: 79–84, ISBN978-0-85825-250-9