
A subluxation is an incomplete or partial dislocation of a joint or organ.[1] According to the World Health Organization, a subluxation is a "significant structural displacement" and is therefore visible on static imaging studies, such as X-rays.[2][3][4] Unlike real subluxations, the pseudoscientific concept of a chiropractic "vertebral subluxation" may or may not be visible on x-rays.

The term is used in the fields of medicine, dentistry, and chiropractic. There is no scientific evidence for the existence of chiropractic subluxations or proof they or their treatment have any effects on health.

  1. ^ "Definition of SUBLUXATION". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved January 4, 2018.
  2. ^ Schwarz, N. (1998-04-01). "The fate of missed atlanto-axial rotatory subluxation in children". Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. 117 (4): 288–289. doi:10.1007/s004020050249. ISSN 1434-3916. PMID 9581264. S2CID 27358348.
  3. ^ Laiho, K.; Soini, I.; Kautiainen, H.; Kauppi, M. (2003-03-01). "Can we rely on magnetic resonance imaging when evaluating unstable atlantoaxial subluxation?". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 62 (3): 254–256. doi:10.1136/ard.62.3.254. ISSN 0003-4967. PMC 1754452. PMID 12594114.
  4. ^ Garth, William P.; Allman, Fred L.; Armstrong, William S. (1987-11-01). "Occult anterior subluxations of the shoulder in noncontact sports". The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 15 (6): 579–585. doi:10.1177/036354658701500610. ISSN 0363-5465. PMID 3425785. S2CID 37203250.