Suicide Mission (Mass Effect 2)

The Suicide Mission is the final level in the 2010 video game Mass Effect 2, part of the Mass Effect franchise developed by BioWare. It involves the efforts of Commander Shepard and their crew to enter the Omega-4 Relay and infiltrate the Collector Base, a space station operated by hostile aliens under the command of Harbinger, a member of a fleet of sentient starships known as the Reapers, who has brainwashed their leader, the Collector General. The attack is considered a suicide mission due to the danger posed by the Omega-4 Relay, hence the name. Once inside the base, crew members must be assigned to certain tasks depending on their strengths in order to allow the crew to fight through overwhelming odds, rescue kidnapped humans, and ultimately destroy a "Human Reaper", a tremendous android under construction in the core of the base.

The level received significant critical attention for its high stakes, in which any number of characters, including Shepard themselves, can die due to a lack of preparation or incorrect choices on the part of the player, which are then carried over into the sequel, Mass Effect 3. Due to its branching paths, plot significance and level design, it is considered one of the best video game levels by critics.