Suit combination

In the card game contract bridge, a suit combination is a specific subset of the cards of one suit held respectively in declarer's and dummy's hands at the onset of play. While the ranks of the remaining cards held by the defenders can be deduced precisely, their location is unknown.[1] Optimum suit combination play allows for all possible lies of the cards held by the defenders.

The term is also used for the sequence of plays[2] from the declarer and dummy hands, conditional on intervening plays by the opponents; in other words, declarer's plan or strategy of play given his holdings and his goal for the number of tricks to be taken.[3]

In addition to understanding the possible initial combinations and probabilities for the location of the opponents' cards in a suit, declarer can further inform himself from the bidding, the opening lead and from the prior play of cards in establishing the probable location of remaining cards.

  1. ^ In actual play, the only exception is that because the opening lead is faced prior to the tabling of dummy, its location is known.
  2. ^ Also referred to as "declarer's line of play"
  3. ^ It is possible to attribute a plan or strategy of play to the opponents also.