
A print of the play designed by Torii Tadakiyo and Torii Kiyosada (of the Torii school). The actor playing Sukeroku is Ichikawa Danjūrō IX.
Written byTsuuchi Jihei II and Tsuuchi Han'emon
CharactersSukeroku, Agemaki, Ikyû, Manko, Shinbei
Date premiered1713
Place premieredJapan
Original languageJapanese
Subject"blood revenge"

Sukeroku (助六由縁江戸桜) is a play in the Kabuki repertoire, and one of the celebrated Kabuki Jūhachiban ("Eighteen Great Plays"). The play is known in English as The Flower of Edo.

The play is strongly associated with the Ichikawa Danjūrō family of actors.