Supraorbital foramen

Supraorbital foramen
The skull from the front. ("Supraorbital foramen"
is top caption for right side white-box.)
Frontal bone. Outer surface. ("Supraorbital notch
or foramen" labeled at lower right arch.)
Latinforamen supraorbitale
Anatomical terms of bone

The supraorbital foramen, is a bony elongated opening located above the orbit (eye socket) and under the forehead. It is part of the frontal bone of the skull. The supraorbital foramen lies directly under the eyebrow. In some people this foramen is incomplete and is then known as the supraorbital notch.[1]

  1. ^ Tortora, G; Derrickson, B (2011). Principles of anatomy & physiology (13th. ed.). Wiley. p. 214. ISBN 9780470646083.