Surrogate alcohol

Surrogate alcohol is a term for any substance containing ethanol that is intentionally consumed by humans but is not meant for human consumption. Some definitions of the term also extend to illegally produced alcoholic beverages.[1]

Consumption of such substances carries extreme health risks, both from the ethanol content and other more toxic substances that may be present. Users risk both acute poisoning from substances such as methanol, and chronic poisoning from substances such as lead.[1]

Most people turn to these as a last resort either out of desperation, being underaged or being unable to afford consumable alcoholic beverages (with homeless alcoholics) or due to lack of access to drinking ethanol (for example with prison inmates and individuals in psychiatric wards).

  1. ^ a b Lachenmeier, Dirk W.; Rehm, Jürgen; Gmel, Gerhard (October 2007). "Surrogate Alcohol: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go?". Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 31 (10): 1613–1624. doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2007.00474.x. PMID 17681034.