Sustainable seafood

Sustainable seafood is seafood that is caught or farmed in ways that consider the long-term vitality of harvested species and the well-being of the oceans, as well as the livelihoods of fisheries-dependent communities. It was first promoted through the sustainable seafood movement which began in the 1990s. This operation highlights overfishing and environmentally destructive fishing methods. Through a number of initiatives, the movement has increased awareness and raised concerns over the way our seafood is obtained.

Sustainable seafood is from either fished or farmed sources that can maintain or increase production in the future without jeopardizing the ecosystems from which it was acquired. The sustainable seafood movement has gained momentum as more people become aware of both overfishing and environmentally destructive fishing methods. Fish farming can also have negative environmental effects, such as the destruction of natural wetlands and marine pollution.[1]

  1. ^ Martinez-Porchas, Marcel; Martinez-Cordova, Luis R. (2012). "World Aquaculture: Environmental Impacts and Troubleshooting Alternatives". The Scientific World Journal. 2012: 389623. doi:10.1100/2012/389623. ISSN 1537-744X. PMC 3353277. PMID 22649291.