Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research

The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL (short WSL, German: Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL, French: Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage WSL, Italian: Istituto federale di ricerca per la foresta, la neve e il paesaggio WSL) is a solution-orientated research organisation specialising in on forests, landscapes, biodiversity, natural hazards, snow and ice in a changing world. As a federal research institute and part of the ETH Domain, WSL is committed to excellence in research and implementation.[2]

As of the end of 2024, WSL employed approximately 650 people.[3] In addition to its headquarters in Birmensdorf and the SLF in Davos, it has operated branch offices in Lausanne and Cadenazzo since 1991 and in Sion since 1996.[4]

  1. ^ "Budgetbericht des ETH-Rats für den ETH-Bereich 2024" [Budget Report 2024] (PDF). ETH Board (in German). Retrieved 2024-02-26.
  2. ^ "About WSL". Retrieved 2024-07-24.
  3. ^ Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, ed. (2024-03-25). Geschäftsbericht. Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL 2023. WSL Berichte. Vol. 147. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL. doi:10.55419/wsl:36152.
  4. ^ "History". Retrieved 2024-07-24.