Systems chemistry

Systems chemistry is the science of studying networks of interacting molecules, to create new functions from a set (or library) of molecules with different hierarchical levels and emergent properties.[1][2]

Systems chemistry is also related to the origin of life (abiogenesis).[3]

  1. ^ Sadownik; Otto (2014). "Systems Chemistry". Encyclopedia of Astrobiology. pp. 1–3. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27833-4_1095-2. ISBN 978-3-642-27833-4.
  2. ^ "Centre for Systems Chemistry". University of Groningen. 27 October 2011. Retrieved 26 October 2017.
  3. ^ Kiedrowski; Otto; Herdewijn (2010). "Welcome Home, Systems Chemists!". Journal of Systems Chemistry. 1: 1. doi:10.1186/1759-2208-1-1.