
T-Stoff ([teː ʃtɔf]; 'substance T') was a stabilised high test peroxide used in Germany during World War II. T-Stoff was specified to contain 80% (occasionally 85%) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), remainder water, with traces (<0.1%) of stabilisers. Stabilisers used included 0.0025% phosphoric acid,[1] a mixture of phosphoric acid, sodium phosphate and 8-oxyquinoline,[2] and sodium stannate.[3]

  1. ^ German Liquid Rocket Fuels, www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/122495.pdf page 5
  2. ^ Botho Stüwe, Peenemünde-West, Bechtermünz-Verlag ISBN 3-8289-0294-4, 1998 page 220, German
  3. ^ John D Clarke, Ignition!. Rutgers University Press, ISBN 0-8135-0725-1, 1972 page 67