TK cell therapy

TK is an experimental cell therapy which may be used to treat high-risk leukemia. It is currently undergoing a Phase III clinical trial to determine efficacy and clinical usefulness.[1][2]

TK is currently being investigated in patients with acute leukemia in first or subsequent complete remission and at high risk of relapse or in patients with relapsed disease who are candidates for haploidentical transplantation of hemopoietic stem cells (taken from a partially HLA-compatible family donor).[3]

  1. ^ "TK008: Randomized Phase III Trial of Haploidentical HCT with or Without an Add Back Strategy of HSV-Tk Donor Lymphocytes in Patients with High Risk Acute Leukemia". 12 September 2018.
  2. ^ TK scientific results and regulatory path will be presented today at the 40° annual meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
  3. ^ "Ciceri F, Bonini C, Stanghellini MT, et al. Infusion of suicide-gene-engineered donor lymphocytes after family haploidentical haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation for leukaemia (the TK007 trial): a non-randomised phase I-II study". Lancet Oncol 2009;10(5):489-500.