TV Boy

TV Boy with power and TV leads attached

The TV Boy, and its successors TV Boy II and Super TV Boy, are handheld TV games sold by many different companies, including Systema, Akor, and NICS, based upon an unlicensed clone of Atari 2600 hardware. They were released around 1992 and three years later, an improved version of the TV Boy 2, the Super TV Boy, was also made by Akor.[1] They were widely available across Europe. In the UK, they were most visibly available through Argos.

Users can play any one of 127 built-in games. In the UK, they were marketed with 126 games included, while the Super TV Boy has 127.[2]

  1. ^ Akor Super TV Boy system information, Retrieved 14 September 2011.
  2. ^ Akor TV Boy system information, Retrieved 14 September 2011.