Talk:Chelsea Manning/Archive 10

I am not a spy and how dare you state that on categories. I would hope you know any falseness you state will be held against you. Category is in fact could be a country of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, North Korea, Cuba and others. These are at risk countries on Sanctions. Don't think you can take my knowledge from employment at the DOD away. That was my SME Sanctions and monitoring. Including terrorist SDN list. Are you using this as propaganda or are you acting on your own behalf with Wikipedia and your own ignorance. The Seal team seven kicked out of Iraq for drunkeness is not so great. We needed alertness in the field. The Department of defense is a continuing service but you must not lie. You should be honest. Some soldiers, sailors, marines and National Guard are not into the selfless consecration word for their protection of their country on homeland security. Signed SD orphan. They should fix Children in need at BBC. They should fix wikipedia and the control of sharing information. The SMS is used for messaging doesn't have monetary or money sent necessarilly.

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