Talk:Chino cloth

this information does not appear to be accurate. the word chino is a Latin American (Spanish) word for toasted. It has nothing to do with China. See Encarta and the Oxford English dictionary for verification of this.

Tjfloyddc 20:34, 26 December 2007 (UTC)

I agree 100% with the sources needed request below, but more then that, I think there has been a misunderstanding through out history. I checked the word chino on the Oxford English Dictionary and as you can see on this clipping ( it makes reference to it's supposed use in Latin America for toasted with dates all the way back to 1943.
Now here's the problem, I'm Latin American, from Puerto Rico and I have friends from different countries in South and Central America, and I have never EVER heard the word chino used in place of the word tostado (toasted) or amarronado (brownish) or even in place of the words caqui or kaki (both used for khaki), nor is this use of the word in the Spanish dictionary ( However, as it also states khaki pants originally came from China, and that makes it a much better explanation to why the pants would be called chinos. Chino is the masculine form of Chinese, and the word pantalones (pants) is a masculine word. Therefore, in Spanish you would call Chinese pants, pantalones chinos, and since we love shortening names, it's easy to imagine how the pants ended up being called just chinos. This to me seems a more logical explanation to how they came to be called chinos then attributing a use to a word, that is unheard of by the group that supposedly uses it. - Firestorm10 (talk) 01:13, 5 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I completely agree with Firestorm's statement above. I am a native Spanish speaker with Mexican roots, but raised in the U.S.A. and I can verify that, contrary to the explanation in the article, which states that in "American Spanish" chino means toasted, that is not a definition of the word that I have ever heard in my life until today. I believe that better sources are needed as it appears that someone willingly or inadvertently made up the toasted definition along the way and now a couple of sources are citing it (albeit not one definitive source, in my opinion). (talk) 07:12, 10 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]