Talk:Conversion disorder

This disease is toxoplasmosis. Some experts know this but it is not generally known because it is being denied and help has been withdrawn. Toxoplasmosis kills in many different ways, including all the common things we are dying of; e.g., autoimmune diseases, a made-up term for "when the body turns on itself", which is obviously nonsense. Toxoplasma gondii causes cancers, blindness, deafness, alzheimers, bipolar illness, dementia, suicide and many more. Help is being denied and this must change so that many lives can be improved, prolonged and/or saved. Men, women and children contract it at a rate of 1,000 per day and the shame of dishing out diagnoses such as "hysteria", conversion disorder and "delusional parasitosis" should be abolished as the pathetically backward situation has long since been discredited but continues. It is not a mental health problem; it is a known parasitic infection for which help can be provided if diagnosis was available. A decade ago, the help ceased and the extent of the problem covered up. Clindamycin therapy, carefully timed and supervised, can help a sufferer to recover and tetrahydroquinoline can 95% cure it, but funding for trials is being withheld. Guanabenz, or Wytensin, is a 75% cure but has been withdrawn and is now not available. This shameful situation must change.