
In that last sentence you mention hypasists were equipped just like "foot companions": Were they not one and the same?

Rama Reddy

I was under the impression that the hypaspistai were a sort of mobile infantry. Weren't they used at Guagamela as a feint to lure the Persian cavalry out of formation? -Thaigear

As I understand it, the Hypaspists are a more mobile fighting force than the phalangites (foot companions). They did not fight in a phalanx but could move around a lot faster to aid the Cavalry wherever they were needed. - (someone who ought to register)

Yes, the Hypaspists was a mobile fighting force, the were the elite of the ancient Macedonian infantry, but they fought in a phalanx, however, not as the Pezhetairoi, but as Hoplites. 15:33, 20 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]