
Any information on the flavor?

I was about to edit this page, as I have always known this product as "Katsuo-boshi" or "dried bonito", rather than the "-bushi" as shown. However, I see from hiragana on Japanese packaging that it is in fact referred to with the two kana "bu-shi". I'm confused! Can anyone shed light on this apparent error? Shorn again 21:56, 11 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Sometimes Japanese is not romanized consistently. It is best to stay as close to Japanese romanization rules as possible, but it isn't always done in the West. "Boshi" sounds close enough to "ぶし" that I am not surprsied you have seen it. However, "bushi" is considered to be most correct. --Lmbstl 09:46, 12 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]