Talk:List of Bemani musicians

Why does Saifam lead here? They're their own label independent of bemani games. --- —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:05, 7 December 2009 (UTC) WARNING: ANYONE who lists TaQ as a member of FIXX will be reported, I am sick and tired of this stupid rumor, FIXX IS NAOKI ONLY! Ashura96 00:59, 18 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I see no mention of Tahirih Walker on this article at all? Is jun or Naoki her sound producer? But I'm certain she is not an alias for Paula Terry. Ashura96 20:11, 27 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

--- Does anybody know the real name of U1-Asami? AFAIK he goes by the pseudonyms U1, Club Spice, 2MB and Chang Ma, to mention the ones I've found, but I can't find a real name for him. -- Sesse

Should the artists perhaps be alphabetised by surname and not first name?

Also, someone might want to update that 'couple dozen' :P

Why was vfd removed, exactly? The only reason the link is dead is because the article was renamed from what it originally was; it's still under voting in VfD. Mo0 02:03, 29 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Could you fix it up then? I had the impression the matter had been finalised with the moving of the article.

STANDARDS: I think it's probably best if we keep a list of standards here for the page so someone doesn't have to come and edit it every time something new has been added.

  • All artists are to be in alphabetical order (currently for some reason this is by first name, but this could be changed if it was decided upon) and all aliases under that artist are also in alphabetical order, except (primary pseudonym) which goes at the top, and (member of) which goes at the bottom.
  • Currently we will use Western name order (surname last). I edited to put Noria and Sana's names in this order because they weren't and it's better to be consistent. If people would rather have the Japanese order, this can again be arranged, but considering the readers of the article, I think Western order makes more sense to use.
  • I don't think we should be saying what songs a particular alias is for after it. We'd want a separate list for that to avoid clutter. I took out the A and AA reference next to D.J. Amuro, but the entire Naoki section is frankly a huge mess and I don't have the time to tackle it right now (also, I don't want to do something that major without discussing it first). Probably best not to include too much extra information just in general, preferably none.
  • More to be added if necessary.

Several other comments from me (Xythar):

  • "Akira Shintani" meaning Akira Yamaoka feat. Sana Shintani is currently unconfirmed, although it seems likely.
  • Not sure how to deal with the Y&Co situation at the moment. Right now I've got both Tetsuya Tamura and Yokota Shokai listed as members of, but the ~slayer music info database attributed all songs by Y&Co and dj Remo-con to Tetsuya Tamura except the Colors eurobeat remix that says it was remixed by Yokoto Shokai in the artist name, but "Y&Co Remix" in the title. This confuses me. I'd appreciate some kind of definitive reference on this if anyone's got it, because the current setup while less confusing than the previous one still gives the impression that they both do Y&Co songs and I have no idea if this is the case. If Yokoto Shokai only did do the Colors remix, I think s/he should be taken out because his/her name is already attached to the song and no other Y&Co material (not to mention that technically s/he never uses Y&Co as a pseudonym as it's in the title, not the artist name)
  • Is there a source for Sana being a 'member' of Kiddy & Sunshine Lovers and apresmidi? Is she always the vocalist in songs with either of those aliases? If not, they should simply be aliases of the composer and Sana would simply be the song's vocalist. Sunny isn't a member of "dj TAKA" even though she did the vocals for Colors :)
  • Fine, if you want to get extra pedantic, Jun Wakita is both DJ.W (Regulus) and D.JW (Spica). So now they're both in. I hope you're happy :P (Should we have the "djw" from Murmur Twins too? ;) )
I suggest changing it into "DJ.W – also variants D.JW and djw" then, makes more sense to me than having several similar entries. I'm placing "DJ.W" first here, but IMO the best would be to place the one that appeared first. As I don't know when Regulus was released, I'll leave that to you. :) --Kamek 20:32, Nov 11, 2004 (UTC)
I originally had it as just DJ.W (figuring that people would assume D.JW and djw for themselves) but someone 'corrected' it to D.JW. Regulus was the first released, yes, so I might just leave it as how it was originally (DJ.W) --Xythar
  • No, Sana is not DJ Simon :P That was random and weird O_o

For the record, I added DJ Takawo. Unfortunately I don't have his full name, but the Gottamix 2 credits show him as a member of GUHROOVY. Another guy is also listed; if necessary I can watch the credits again to get the name. Never mind, it's probably Akira Uchibori. --SPUI 03:05, 30 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Oh, are we sure that Ucchie is Mr. T? My brother says one of the OST booklets has comments by Mr. T and Ucchie separately. --SPUI 03:07, 30 Dec 2004 (UTC)

There was an Arcadia interview that stated Mr. T was indeed Ucchie, so I've been going by that. His last name *is* Uchida after all. Couple of other things - are the comments (or pronounciation instructions) after aliases necessary? I was aiming for none with the ones I added, other than the standard (primary pseudonym) and (member of). It looks a little off and cluttered if only a few of them have comments after the name, but that's just my opinion. The other thing is that as this is meant to be a map of pseudonyms to real names, it would probably be best to leave DJ Takawo out until we can get a real name for him. --Xythar
I believe I started the comments with my Naoki pseudonym listing. Originally it was intended just for Naoki, as pseudonyms were kept on each artist's article, and I considered him a special case, since he uses his name very infrequently and his pseudonyms often are related to some characteristic of the song (like "Naoki" for eurobeat, "Naoki underground" for trance, numbers for PARANOiAs and so on).
IMO we could remove them, keeping only those that are some kind of trivia (the only I can think of right now is U1-Asami's pronounciation) until there's an article for that artist to explain it. --Kamek 05:05, Jan 25, 2005 (UTC)

Is it clear what cleanup needs to be done on this article, other than adhering to the standards posted earlier? --dougk