Talk:Loan origination

This does NOT define the subject. It state a qualifying point: "depending on the borrowers credit" and then dives into a tangent on credit qualification without ever finishing the definition.

This should be removed.

In many places there are sentences or paragraphs that are out of place. For example:

  • "Loan servicing covers everything after disbursing the funds until the loan is fully paid off."
  • "There are many different types of loans. For more information on loan types, see the loan and consumer lending articles. Steps involved in originating a loan vary by loan type, various kinds of loan risk, regulator, lender policy, and other factors."
  • "Retail loans and mortgages are typically highly competitive products that may not offer a large margin to their providers, but through high volume sales can be highly profitable. The business model of the individual financial institution and the products they offer therefore affects on which application model they will offer"

Also, the bullet points under "Application Process" are confusing. It isn't clear if they are defining how the borrow applies for the loan or who the borrower applies to.

To sum it up, the article doesn't give a clear story of how a borrower applies for a loan. If you looked at the article and had no idea of what loan origination is then you would still be confused after reading it.

This article does a pretty good job explaining some aspects of mortgage loan origination: It might prove to be a good reference. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:20, 25 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]