
Girard's paper introducing Ludics, Locus solum: from the logic of rules to the rules of logic, has some features that may be seen as eccentric for a publication in mathematical logic (such as illustrations of Positive Skunks). — what is the purpose of this comment, and why does it belong in Wikipedia? Perhaps you would prefer his Bulletin of Symbolic Logic paper, which is slightly less confrontational? — Kaustuv 14:52, 2004 Aug 16 (UTC)

It has to be said that illustrations of postivie skunks *are* rather unusual and eccentric. That is not a criticism, it is an observation surely? Francis Davey 18:50, 27 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, I'd suggest that communicating the color and flavor of Girard's work is actually a quite valuable addition. One of the many reasons his work is exceptional is that he gives exposition of his his unconventional conclusions by unconventional (which is not to say unconvincing) means. I'd wager that his his unorthodox discoveries in logic are not entirely separable from his unorthodox rhetoric. Shonfeder (talk) 18:18, 1 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]