Talk:Middle Africa

A user has blanked this page with the argument that Middle Africa is the same as Central Africa. This is not so. The UN classifies them differently. Please give a reason for blanking the page or you will be reported for vandalism. Regards, Andajara120000 (talk) 02:04, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

This has already been discussed here. A user has blanked this page with the argument that Middle Africa is the same as Central Africa. This is not so. The UN classifies them differently. Where did I say this? Is this the same way you accused me on the Southeast Africa page? AcidSnow (talk) 02:09, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I have requested help on my talk page regarding your stalking me on facebook. I am not sure but I do not know it that is allowed. I feel under siege and attacked and I am trying to make a positive contribution to neglected Africa articles. I am not going to sit down while you play games and destroy hard work. If you do not like the coverage of this article then make positive changes in expanding or detracting the coverage of countries. Middle Africa and Central Africa are not the same. Maybe you do not agree with the definition I have put forth but if so put forth your own definition and expand or detract the coverage. You have no right to delete sourced information. Regards, Andajara120000 (talk) 02:13, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I dont have a facebook and where are you getting that I am stalking you on it? As for middle Africa and central Africa this has already been discussed like I said here. AcidSnow (talk) 02:19, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry I mistyped-Wikipedia. Stalked me on Wikipedia. Apologies for that. Regards, Andajara120000 (talk) 02:20, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Well sorry that discussion needs to take place on this page because this is the article concerning that. So what are your arguments that Middle Africa and Central Africa are the same when they are clearly different and that is why there are indeed two terms-one called Central Africa and one called Middle Africa? Are you saying Central and Middle mean the same in English and therefore the regions are the same?Is that the extent of your argument? Do you have any proof of this? I have much proof against this but am interested to see what you can present. Regards, Andajara120000 (talk) 02:23, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Wow, for a second I thought you lost it cause that's a pretty big accusation. I was informed about Middle Africa by DrLewisphd.
So what are your arguments that Middle Africa and Central Africa are the same, again like I said earlier I never said this. Why are you accusing me of saying that any many other things? AcidSnow (talk) 02:32, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Then what is your justification for deleting a whole page on Middle Africa and redirecting to central Africa if you do not think they are the same? Why do you think it is okay for one article to discuss two different regions by your own admission? Regards, Andajara120000 (talk) 02:34, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

It is not my fault you are too lazy to construct an article around the definition of Middle Africa you assume is valid. It is not my fault editors on Wikipedia are too lazy to make any effort to expand coverage of Africa on Wikipedia. But I will not sit down while lazy editors delete hard work because they are too lazy to make constructive changes and would rather not see the article exist at all. I will not sit down and watch vandals vandalize hard work based on flimsy arguments. Middle Africa not a valid region? Take that up with all the organizations and scholars in the world that use that term and differentiate it from Central Africa. Maybe you think Middle Africa includes x,y,z countries and another scholar thinks it includes a,b,c countries but because you disagree on what countries are included that means the whole article should be deleted wholesale and a redirect sent to Central Africa? You are a vandal plain and simple you have done the same exact thing on the Southeast Africa page and threatened to do the same on the Islands of Africa page. This is unacceptable and I will not take this sitting down. I will fight you tooth and nail with you and your vandalism. I will not sit down as you destroy hard work on topics regarding a neglected major region of the world because you are lazy and ill-informed. Regards, Andajara120000 (talk)

I never said I was going to delete the Island page. I wanted it to be merged it with the list of African Islands page. Sorry if you assumed I was going to.
Why do you think it is okay for one article to discuss two different regions by your own admission?, again I never said it was okay nor was it my intentions.
It is not my fault you are too lazy to construct an article around the definition of Middle Africa you assume is valid, *sigh*, I never said it was your fault. Is there anything else you want to accuse me of?
you are lazy and ill-informed, You are a vandal plain and simple, really what else am I? I would actually like to hear you opinion of me.
all the organizations and scholars in the world that use that term and differentiate it from Central Africa., could you prove other organizations and scholars that use this term besides the one you already stated?
I deleted it because you only have one source backing what you said and neither of your sources say they are two distinct regions. The only see able source you have has only South Sudan in Middle Africa. I had to manually Google search to see if you made a typo for your other source (It happens to all of us at some point in our edits so you should not worry about it). As for this link I am pretty sure it uses the name "Middle Africa" for/instead of "Central Africa" (this is also done on Ethnologue, the, and as for examples). I believe this is true because all the countries listed are in this UN region and as for eastern Nigeria it borders Central Africa (the Cameroon). But, a major reason for my belief is because the the UN uses the term Middles Africa and sometimes Central Africa instead. The CIA World Factbook for South Sudan has it it in "Central Africa" not "Middle Africa"; while the article you provided uses "Middle Africa" instead. This is why I dont think it is an actually new region in Africa.
I could be wrong however since you said other organizations and scholars use this term to describe another region with a different group of countries. If this is true I recommend you bring other sources for this.
if you do not think they are the same?', what? Oh I never was in this discussion; like I said DrLewisphd brought Middle Africa into the discussion which informed me about this article you created. If you dont believe me you can go read the talk page again. As for if I believe they are the same or not my answer is that I do. Why? Because it is one region, with the same boundaries, but with two names that mean the same thing (I have already shown you that the names are interchangeable). AcidSnow (talk) 04:02, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]